Sunday, February 24, 2019

In What Ways Can Pictures Convey Ideas Better Than Words?

Everyone knows the saying, “A picture is worth a thousand words”.
It is such a well-known phrase for a reason; a picture really does say more than words.

An image such as a painting or photograph can introduce something new to the audience. First of all, words cannot convey messages in the same way pictures do. When one reads a description to the audience, they have to create the following scenario of what is being described in their heads. The images they imagine are made out of what they already know. A good example would be that one can write a description of what a giraffe looks like, and the individual would have an idea of what it is. However, if a photograph is shown, then it would help the individual visualize what is being described accurately. Words simply cannot give you the same experience an image does because images offer visuals.

Moreover, images are more eye-catching than words on a piece of paper. If one would like their message to even be looked at, images are the way to go. Pictures have the power to convey abstract messages. They support content, setting the general idea for what the message is, without the audience even needing to read anything. In fact, because the audience does not need to read anything, one could even say that pictures are universal. Someone who speaks Spanish and someone who speaks Chinese could look at the same the image and understand the same meaning behind it.

In conclusion, images have a better ability at conveying messages than words do because images are better at grabbing attention, are more specific and lastly, capable of making the audience understand complex messages that words would be unable to explain.

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