Sunday, March 3, 2019

Write a pitch laying out the plot of your new horror movie!

It is a Friday night. A group of four teenagers are going for a drive and park their car near a cornfield. They laugh and joke with one another as they pull out bottles of beer that they snagged from their parents’ fridge. Movement comes from the cornfields and a hush falls over the teens. Initially, they thought that what they were seeing was part of their imagination. One of the girls, Megan, comments on the shadows moving about in the field but her friend, Jake, brushes it off and tells her to open a bottle. The silence soon goes away as the teens go back to laughing about and carrying on with their shenanigans. After a while, tapping comes from the car window. A wave of fear washes over them. Megan comments again, this time about the tapping. She questions the group, asking if they heard what she had just heard. Her friend Tammy shakes her head, no. She is in denial and would rather carry on drinking the stolen beers. Jake plays along and says no as well. However, Max, the fourth friend of the group admits to hearing the noise loud and clear. He offers to check it out since he had decided not to drink tonight. He steps out of the car and pulls out his phone flashlight, disappearing into the cornfield. Megan and Tammy scooch closer together, nervous about what Max may find. Fifteen minutes go by and Max had not come back yet, forcing Megan and Tammy to send Jake out to look for him.

Jake reluctantly heads out of the car and into the fields of corn. Five minutes later, Jake comes back, panicking about Max going missing. The girls start to freak out. Seconds later, Max jumps out of the cornfields, purposely scaring the girls. Max and Jake had planned to scare them when they met up in the cornfield. The girls get annoyed and tell them to get back in the car. Suddenly, Tammy’s face goes white. Everyone else is confused but she continues to stare into the cornfields, mouth wide open. Suddenly, Jake’s foot gets dragged into the abyss of corn. Everyone starts screaming. Max hops back into the car, trying to start it. The screen goes black. The next day, the police are investigating the scene. What was in the cornfields?

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