Sunday, March 17, 2019

Why do you think horror movies are so popular in America?

     Horror movies are fun to watch but only when one is in the mood to get their adrenaline going. Especially if you are an adrenaline junkie. Horror movies allow us to experience fear without being placed in an unsafe situation. We enjoy the anticipation and feelings of being scared when a jumpscare appears. This is one of the reasons why I believe they are so popular in America. Horror movies could also be very popular in America because it is hard to find a scary movie that is actually scary. Many horror movies consist of cheap jumpscares and a poorly written storyline, thus everyone is always curious to find out just how scary the newest horror movies are. A couple other reasons could be the good, haunting storylines, or scary plot twists that the movies offer. However, there are still some people enjoy cheap jumpscares, as they are especially fun to watch with friends because everyone can get scared together. It's also fun to make fun of your friends when they get scared after watching horror movies. Horror movies have interesting storylines to follow along and can even keep the audience on the edge of their seats when done right. There are many others that enjoy a scary storyline as it is simply entertaining and leaves the audience feeling haunted afterward.
  I believe that the main reason to go and watch a horror movie is for the adrenaline rush one gets. Comedy, drama, mystery, history, and many more movies barely ever give the audience a scare. The feelings induced by horror movies are unlike any other genre and this is why it is so popular.

Are supernatural or real life horror stories more terrifying?

    Supernatural stories consist of ghosts, vampires, witches, werewolves and anything else that goes beyond natural occurrences. Real life horror stories consist of kidnappings, murderers and serial killers. I personally find them both terrifying. However, there is no doubt that real-life horror stories are far scarier than supernatural stories, not only because these are real-life occurrences but also because the kind of people in such stories can be hard to spot.
    Kidnappers, serial killers, and murderers could live among us, and be so good at hiding their crimes that it’s impossible to spot them. If I were to see a werewolf or a ghost, I would know exactly who or what to avoid. However, a serial killer who is good at blending in with average people; how would I know to avoid them if they act like an average Joe? Another thing to think about would be how often does one run into werewolves? Never have I heard a story about a werewolf getting caught for tearing someone’s guts out of their body, but I have heard stories of murderers doing such things to people who go missing.
    Supernatural stories are fun to listen to and to ponder on. The mystery of whether they are real or not makes it exciting. Real life horror stories are anything but. I would not get excited and intrigued hearing about a murderer roaming around my hometown but I would feel that way if someone told me that a witch was my neighbor. 
In conclusion, supernatural stories are entertaining whereas real-life horror stories are just a warning of what could happen to someone if they were in the wrong place, at the wrong time around the wrong people.

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Write a pitch laying out the plot of your new horror movie!

It is a Friday night. A group of four teenagers are going for a drive and park their car near a cornfield. They laugh and joke with one another as they pull out bottles of beer that they snagged from their parents’ fridge. Movement comes from the cornfields and a hush falls over the teens. Initially, they thought that what they were seeing was part of their imagination. One of the girls, Megan, comments on the shadows moving about in the field but her friend, Jake, brushes it off and tells her to open a bottle. The silence soon goes away as the teens go back to laughing about and carrying on with their shenanigans. After a while, tapping comes from the car window. A wave of fear washes over them. Megan comments again, this time about the tapping. She questions the group, asking if they heard what she had just heard. Her friend Tammy shakes her head, no. She is in denial and would rather carry on drinking the stolen beers. Jake plays along and says no as well. However, Max, the fourth friend of the group admits to hearing the noise loud and clear. He offers to check it out since he had decided not to drink tonight. He steps out of the car and pulls out his phone flashlight, disappearing into the cornfield. Megan and Tammy scooch closer together, nervous about what Max may find. Fifteen minutes go by and Max had not come back yet, forcing Megan and Tammy to send Jake out to look for him.

Jake reluctantly heads out of the car and into the fields of corn. Five minutes later, Jake comes back, panicking about Max going missing. The girls start to freak out. Seconds later, Max jumps out of the cornfields, purposely scaring the girls. Max and Jake had planned to scare them when they met up in the cornfield. The girls get annoyed and tell them to get back in the car. Suddenly, Tammy’s face goes white. Everyone else is confused but she continues to stare into the cornfields, mouth wide open. Suddenly, Jake’s foot gets dragged into the abyss of corn. Everyone starts screaming. Max hops back into the car, trying to start it. The screen goes black. The next day, the police are investigating the scene. What was in the cornfields?

Saturday, March 2, 2019

Do you think that a communist society could ever succeed?

A communist society entails major productive resources to be owned by the public and wealth being shared equally/as needed. It sounds like a good and fair system, however, the idea is definitely better on paper. Communism means that society would have to take turns with the production of goods. How the people in this society feel about the jobs assigned to them does not matter, as the main goal is about benefiting the community, not the individual. Therefore, stripping people of their individuality. People no longer have a choice of whether or not they want to live certain lifestyles, such as being a farmer. In addition to that, with a communist society, whatever one does is for the community, not necessarily themselves. Everyone is equal. Not only do you lose a sense of individuality, but no one is rich or poor, thus there is really no point in working harder. 

When looking at the history of communism, it can be seen that it has failed over and over again. Historically, communist states have a record of mass murder and oppression. For example, the Gulags in Russia or the millions killed in China. Those living under the rule of communism faced a loss of rights and oppression. Communism was a way for the government to try to completely control people’s lives while hiding behind the idea of equality. If someone did not like being a farmer because of how much they were getting paid, they could not seek a different, higher paying job because there would be no such thing in a communist society. The fact of the matter is that humans naturally feel the need to express themselves along with being able to have a variety of options and opportunity to “move up a ladder”, which is not possible in a communist society.

In conclusion, a communist society would never be able to succeed. It would just lead into living bleak, oppressed lives with no meaning.